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ImmoTool 1.0.2 released

ImmoTool 1.0.2 fixes some more smaller and middle-grade problems.

ImmoTool 1.0.1 released

ImmoTool 1.0.1 fixes some smaller issues in short term, that have been reported by our users.

ImmoTool-Server 1.0.0 released

ImmoTool-Server is published in version 1.0.0 simultaneously with ImmoTool 1.0.0.

ImmoTool 1.0.0 released

After some busy last months we are happy to publish ImmoTool in version 1.0.0.

ImmoTool 1.0-beta44 released

ImmoTool 1.0-beta44 fixes some smaller issues and provides a setting to change the font size in the application.

Users manual for ImmoTool was published at GitHub

The users manual for OpenEstate-ImmoTool was published at GitHub as Open Source project.


Our free real estate software is currently available in version 1.0.2.


Since the year 2009 were providing open solutions for the real estate industry. Were maintaining several open source projects and brought the first freeware real estate software on the market.