Development OpenEstate-ImmoServer
released at
OpenEstate-ImmoServer 1.0.0
001734: [Misc]
Installation routine for Windows001735: [Misc]
Installation routine for MacOS001736: [Misc]
Sign application bundles for MacOS001737: [Misc]
Migration to Java 8001738: [Misc]
Integrate a Java Runtime Environment into the release package001739: [Misc]
Application bundle for Linux x64001740: [Misc]
Installation routine for Debian based Linux (amd64)001741: [Misc]
Provide a repository for the Debian package001742: [Feature]
Improved backup routine001743: [General]
Separate data, logs, configurations from the application folder001746: [Misc]
Update to hsqldb 2.4.1001747: [Misc]
Update to BouncyCastle 1.61001748: [Misc]
Update to commons-io 2.6001749: [Misc]
Update to commons-lang 3.8.1001750: [Misc]
Replace YAJSW with commons-daemon to provide a Windows service001765: [Misc]
Migrate from log4j to Logback
Installation routine for Windows001735: [Misc]
Installation routine for MacOS001736: [Misc]
Sign application bundles for MacOS001737: [Misc]
Migration to Java 8001738: [Misc]
Integrate a Java Runtime Environment into the release package001739: [Misc]
Application bundle for Linux x64001740: [Misc]
Installation routine for Debian based Linux (amd64)001741: [Misc]
Provide a repository for the Debian package001742: [Feature]
Improved backup routine001743: [General]
Separate data, logs, configurations from the application folder001746: [Misc]
Update to hsqldb 2.4.1001747: [Misc]
Update to BouncyCastle 1.61001748: [Misc]
Update to commons-io 2.6001749: [Misc]
Update to commons-lang 3.8.1001750: [Misc]
Replace YAJSW with commons-daemon to provide a Windows service001765: [Misc]
Migrate from log4j to Logback